
Conference fees / pricing :

  • Author registration before May 20th, 2017 : 400 EUR
  • Author registration after May 20th, 2017 : 450 EUR
  • PHD students : 300 EUR
  • Supplementary paper : 150 EUR
  • Accompagnying person : 80 EUR

The regular registration fees (400 euros before May 20th, 450 euros after May 20th) include the proceedings and the publication in the IEEE Xplore Proceedings, the coffee breaks, the three lunches, the guided tour and the Welcome Reception on Wednesday 28th, the tour to Epinal and the Gala dinner on Thursday 29th.

The participants who present more than one paper have to pay supplementary publication fees (150 euros) for each supplementary paper.

The accompanying person registration (80 euros) includes: the Welcome Reception, the tour to Epinal and the Gala Dinner on Thursday 29th in the afternoon.

Authors of accepted papers have to register before June 10th to guarantee the publication in IEEE Xplore Proceedings.

To register